Louisiana descends into dystopia with historic law on abortion pills | Arwa Mahdawi

Louisiana descends into dystopia with historic law on abortion pills | Arwa Mahdawi

The state wasn’t the best place to get pregnant in the first place, with some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the US

Louisiana is not a great place to get pregnant. If you need an abortion, a near-total ban means it’s almost impossible to get one, even in cases of rape or incest – anyone who provides an abortion deemed illegal can go to jail for 15 years. And if you plan on having the baby, you have to deal with some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the US. Although, as Senator Bill Cassidy has helpfully noted, “if you correct our population for race, we’re not as much of an outlier as it’d otherwise appear”. In other words, if you ignore Black people (a third of his constituents), things look a little better. So that’s OK then!

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