Machine Learning Interview Series

RMAG news


From today onwards I am going to start my machine learning interview series. In this I will post 5 questions everyday till the whole syllabus is completed.

Why to watch this series?

If you are preparing for machine learning or data science interview or even for your university exams theory is so important. You know that you can implement the code but not able to explain what you have done in technical language. So this series is for you here you can learn concepts with the interview perspective how to convey the knowledge to the interviewer.

What will happen in this series?

I am going to post 5 question everyday for six days a week and on Sunday we will revise the previous questions that I have mentioned.

I will mention answers of the questions with practical implementation and the Mathematics if required.

How you can contribute to this series?

Let’s say you have read a question in this series and you know more advanced version of the answer that I have mentioned you can comment on the post and I will edit the answer.
You can suggest the questions which I will have to include in my next post.
Share this series in your group.

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