Macron has to stop hiding behind the Olympics – and name a prime minister | Pauline Bock

Macron has to stop hiding behind the Olympics – and name a prime minister | Pauline Bock

By refusing to confirm the election-winning leftwing coalition’s candidate, the president is looking more and more autocratic

When one political bloc ranks first in the vote… that bloc has won. That’s the logic, that’s the tradition. Macron must name as prime minister the pick of the Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP). That fact that he has already refused to do so is a negation of democracy.”

That is conservative politician Charles de Courson calling on president Macron to respect French political tradition and name the newly selected NFP candidate, Lucie Castets, as prime minister. When even politicians on the French right are coming to the aid of a leftwing alliance and criticising the president’s disdain for parliamentary procedure, you know a line has been crossed.

Pauline Bock is a French journalist based in Paris

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