Make the right choice between React and Vue in 2024

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In the world of frontend development and javascript frameworks, Vue and React are the ones that stand out, but how can you pick between them? what is the distinction between them? My name is Salis Sadiq Gebe a full-stack engineer with over six years of experience, I will highlight the difference between React and Vue by exploring their strengths and weaknesses, What are they good for? So that you can make the right choice.

First, let’s answer a question that will help you better understand these comparisons. What are React and Vue made for? And why do developer are adopting them?
React: Many developers have this idea that React is a javascript framework, but in reality, it’s an open-source javascript library made by Facebook in 2011 for building robust interfaces and is one of the most adopted UI libraries in top tech companies. It’s easy to use, fast, and scalable, whether you’re creating a smile user interface or building complex web applications, React might be your choice.

Advantage of React.

It’s easy to learn and use: React is user-friendly especially when compared with other frameworks like Angular. If you know a little bit of HTML, CSS, and Javascript you can hit the ground running with React.

It utilizes JSX: Makes it easy for developers to embed HTML, and CSS into Javascript in creating UI components, and also enables developers to write complex logic in their app.

It has reusable components: React makes use of building blocks’ reusable components for easy maintenance and to streamline the development process.

Its performance is outstanding: React boosts performance by utilizing virtual DOM, which ensures a smooth and speedy web app.

It is SEO friendly: It speeds up rendering and reduces load time, these are important in search engine ranking.

Vue is a progressive Javascript framework for building user interfaces. Since 2014 millions of developers have chosen Vue because it has everything that you need to quickly create and scale performance products whether you’re a freelancer, a new startup to mature Enterprise company. Vue is a framework that will give you all the tools for the job no matter how big you’re building. Vue has a reactivity system with declarative rendering, which means Vue does all the heavy lifting for you. It has its pre-build router, state management testing tools … etc.

Advantage of Vue

Its Simple: Vue aims for maximum efficiency with minimal effort, it uses single file document that contains HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

It’s Typescript-based: It simplifies complicated code into smaller readable parts, the use of Typescript allows developers to spot errors before running the code

It is flexible: Easy to integrate with other frameworks.

It turns out that both React and Vue are greater choices. Vue stands out for its flexibility, performance, and good documentation, on the other hand, React excels in more adoption and third-party tools, and robust community support. But which one is better for us? There is no right answer here because both Vue and React can be good for different project requirements, goals, and even types of development teams. Vue is ideal for lightweight and flexible projects, especially with high interactivity. React on the other is ideal for high scalability and maintainable projects, especially those requiring extensive customization.

But these are just technical aspects and there are other aspects to consider like support, community, and personnel preferences. According to my experience, you choose a technology that your team is more familiar with. When it comes to career opportunity and advancement both React and Vue are in high demand, according to Glassdoor average salary for Vue developers in the US is around 95k/yr, and when it comes to React it is around 88k/yr. So getting skills in React and Vue makes a lot of sense.

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