Mark Wahlberg Flies Over Alaska Thriller ‘Flight Risk’ Official Trailer

Mark Wahlberg Flies Over Alaska Thriller ‘Flight Risk’ Official Trailer

“Tell me how to fly this thing – or we will die out here!” “Clearly you’re mistaking me for someone who actually gives a sh*t.” Lionsgate has revealed the first official trailer for Flight Risk, a survival thriller set onboard a small airplane flying over Alaska. This is the latest movie directed by Mel Gibson, but he doesn’t actually star in it or appear at all, he’s only behind the lens as the filmmaker. In this high-stakes suspense thriller, a private pilot transports an Air Marshal taking a fugitive to a trial. As they fly across the Alaskan wilderness, tensions soar and trust is tested, as not everyone on board is who they seem. This trailer shows most of what’s happening – Wahlberg is the “real danger” who takes them for a spin on the wild side when they figure out who he is. Flight Risk stars Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace, and Michelle Dockery. As hammy as this looks, it’s actually fun to see Wahlberg as the bad guy, since he is so often playing goofy dads these days (see: The Union). It looks like it’s thrilling enough to actually be properly entertaining. Strap in. // Continue Reading ›