Mark Zuckerberg says Trump’s fist pump after shooting ‘one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen’ – live

Mark Zuckerberg says Trump’s fist pump after shooting ‘one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen’ – live

Facebook founder has not endorsed Republican nominee but expressed admiration in interview; Biden faces all out rebellion over his candidacy

Trump’s divisive speech and a rightwing mirror world: key takeaways Fact-checked: Republican national convention and Trump’s speech

O’Malley Dillon is attempting to knock down the flurry of reporting over the last 36 hours by several outlets that says the president is not only considering dropping out of the race, but is planning to do so possibly as soon as this weekend. In the interview, she suggests the reporting is based on ill-informed sources.

For every bad story and leak and someone that thinks they know about something that happened with the president in some conversation that he’s not having, there is a person a senator, a governor, a real person that is out there in Milwaukee making the case, that is in an a battleground state holding an event, mayors from all across the country, labor, that are standing with him that have members in every single state. So there is no doubt we need to move forward. There is no doubt we have to go back to focusing on taking on Donald Trump because there’s too much at stake.

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