Massive rent hikes, dodgy landlords – unlike many MPs, I know what renting is like. We have to fix it | Chris Curtis

Massive rent hikes, dodgy landlords – unlike many MPs, I know what renting is like. We have to fix it | Chris Curtis

Landlords have long had too much sway in parliament. Tenants’ rights must be strengthened as a matter of urgency

Chris Curtis is the Labour MP for Milton Keynes North

This week in parliament we will begin the vital work of fixing the broken private rental sector in England. For too long, unscrupulous private landlords have been able to take advantage of tenants with sudden no-fault evictions, unacceptable living conditions and exorbitant rent increases.

I know because I’ve been there. I can remember vividly when I was told by a previous landlord that he was “willing to let me stay” in the flat I’d called home for five years if I agreed to a 29% rent increase with two months’ notice. If not I could clear out. At the same time, we regularly went days without hot water when the dodgy old boiler he refused to replace broke down.

Chris Curtis is the Labour MP for Milton Keynes North

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