Mastering Algorithms: The Simple Path to Becoming a Coding Pro

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For those who are dreading solving the problems of algorithms or coding exercises, remember this simple yet powerful technique. You can’t solve every problem right out of the box. Your mind and eye need to be trained to see and recognize patterns while solving problems. The only way to achieve this is to expose yourself to a multitude of different problems. Do this as frequently as possible. Once you are equipped with the necessary tools, pattern maps, formulas, and concepts, your mind will recognize these problems instantly and solve them with ease.

Approach a few problems each week. Solve them. Don’t stress your mind. It’s perfectly okay to peek at the solution. The goal is not to memorize the solution but to understand the problem, identify the algorithm it requires or one that closely resembles it, and then attempt to solve it. This is the fastest way to improve your skills in solving coding exercises and algorithmic problems.

Here’s a concise formula to follow:

Master the Basics: Learn all fundamental data structures and algorithms, including arrays, maps, linked lists, trees, and more.

Train the eye: Attempt to solve the most commonly requested problems. When tackling these problems, focus on understanding the given information and the requirements. Try to recall the closest algorithm or pattern that fits. Keep your mind calm, peaceful, silent, and quiet and trust your intuition; your familiarity with similar problems will guide you.

Learn from Solutions: If you find a problem challenging, peek at the solution to understand the methodology. Never aim to memorize the solution. Instead, grasp the underlying approach and technique.

Rinse & Repeat: Consistent practice is key. Continue exposing yourself to various problems and applying these strategies. This is the way!

By following this approach, you will develop a deeper understanding of algorithms and data structures, and your problem-solving skills will improve significantly. Happy coding!