Mastering C# with Microsoft: Your Free Learning Pathway

Mastering C# with Microsoft: Your Free Learning Pathway

Hello, everyone! Embark on a Free Learning Path to Master C# with Microsoft! Start by setting up Visual Studio Code and writing your first C# programs, covering decision logic and string formatting—progress to creating console applications, using arrays, and implementing complex control flow. Finally, elevate your skills with variable data management, method creation, and debugging techniques.

Install and configure Visual Studio Code

1.Write your first code using C# (Get started with C#, Part 1)`

Before starting Part 2
Complete these courses-
i.Add decision logic to your code using if, else, and else if statements in C#
ii.Perform basic string formatting in C#

Before starting Part 3
Complete these courses-
i.Store and iterate through sequences of data using Arrays and the foreach statement in C#

2.Create and run simple C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 2)

3.Add logic to C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 3)

4.Work with variable data in C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 4)

5.Create methods in C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 5)

6.Debug C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 6)

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