Mathematics for Machine Learning vs. Regular Mathematics

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Mathematics is the backbone of many scientific fields, but when it comes to machine learning, it plays an especially pivotal role. Whether you’re optimizing algorithms or understanding data structures, a firm grasp of mathematics is essential. But how does the mathematics used in machine learning differ from what we typically encounter in regular math classes? Let’s explore this intriguing comparison.

1. Linear Algebra

Regular Mathematics: Linear algebra is the study of vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, and matrices. In a typical math course, you might encounter topics like solving systems of linear equations, vector operations, and matrix multiplication.

Machine Learning: In machine learning, linear algebra is fundamental. Algorithms rely heavily on vectors and matrices for storing and processing data. Concepts like eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and singular value decomposition (SVD) are critical in understanding PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and other dimensionality reduction techniques.

2. Calculus

Regular Mathematics: Calculus in traditional math involves differentiation and integration of functions, which are essential for understanding change and areas under curves.

Machine Learning: Calculus is vital in optimizing machine learning models. Gradient descent, a key algorithm for minimizing cost functions, relies on derivatives. Calculus helps in understanding how small changes in parameters affect the output of a model, making it essential for tuning and improving algorithms.

3. Probability and Statistics

Regular Mathematics: Probability and statistics involve the study of randomness, including the analysis of random variables, probability distributions, and statistical inference.

Machine Learning: In machine learning, probability and statistics are used to model uncertainty in data. Bayesian networks, Markov chains, and distributions like Gaussian or Bernoulli are commonly used in algorithms. Understanding concepts like p-values, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing is crucial for making informed decisions based on data.

4. Optimization

Regular Mathematics: Optimization in regular math typically involves finding the maxima or minima of functions, often in the context of linear programming or calculus-based methods.

Machine Learning: Optimization is at the heart of training models. The goal is to minimize a loss function, which requires techniques like gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and other optimization algorithms. Machine learning also deals with complex optimization problems, often involving large datasets and high-dimensional spaces.

5. Discrete Mathematics

Regular Mathematics: Discrete mathematics covers topics such as logic, set theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and algorithms. It’s essential for computer science, especially in algorithm design and cryptography.

Machine Learning: Discrete mathematics is crucial for understanding algorithms used in machine learning. Concepts like graph theory are applied in neural networks, decision trees, and clustering algorithms. Combinatorics helps in feature selection and understanding the structure of datasets.


While regular mathematics provides the foundation, machine learning takes these concepts and applies them in new, often complex ways. The key difference lies in application: in machine learning, mathematical principles are used to create, optimize, and understand models that can learn from data. For those looking to dive into machine learning, strengthening your math skills is a crucial step.

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