MEPs Victor Negrescu and Nicolae Ştefănuţă, elected vice-presidents of the European Parliament

MEPs Victor Negrescu and Nicolae Ştefănuţă, elected vice-presidents of the European Parliament

Romanian MEPs Victor Negrescu, from the Social Democrats and Nicolae Ștefănuță, from the Greens, were elected this evening as vice-presidents of the European Parliament. Victor Negrescu obtained 394 votes, and Nicolae Ștefănuță 347 votes.

Of the 14 positions of vice presidents of the community legislature, 11 were filled in the first round of voting. 

The other MEPs who were elected vice-presidents of the European Parliament in the first round are Sabine Verheyen (604 votes), Ewa Kopacz (572 votes), Esteban Gonzales Pons (478 votes), Katarina Barley (450 votes), Pina Picierno (405 votes), Martin Hojsik (393 votes), Christel Schaldemose (378 votes), Javi Lopez (377 votes) and Sophie Wilmes (371 votes),

Also on the first day of activity of the new European Parliament, Roberta Metsola was re-elected president of this community institution. Metsola, who has already held this position since the death of David Sassoli in January 2022, obtained 562 votes out of 623 votes validly cast. On Tuesday, the Spanish MEP Irene Montero, from the European Left group, also ran for the presidency of the EP, who obtained 61 votes.

“It is an honor for me to become Vice-President of the European Parliament today, but also a great responsibility. I aim to bring Parliament closer to people, especially young people. The social crisis, inequality, discrimination, make young people worried about the future. We, the entire office of the Parliament, have the duty to show them that European democracy works, that their rights are respected and that their voice is heard”, declared Nicu Ștefănuță.

Together with the president of the European Parliament, the vice-presidents and the quaestors make up the Bureau, which takes decisions on the internal organization of the institution. While the president oversees the work of the Parliament, which he represents in all legal matters as well as in foreign relations, he can delegate certain powers to the vice-presidents. Vice-presidents (14 in number) can also replace him in presiding over plenary sessions. The President and Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament have a mandate of two and a half years.

“Trust in the European Parliament has been shaken, and each of us has the responsibility to restore it. I propose to continue, together with other colleagues, the work of the previous Office on transparency, good governance and restoring the trust of our citizens. We have to show people that the European Parliament is not just an institution, but a symbol that promotes European values, that respects the rights of each one of us. I will do everything in my hands so that social problems, youth problems, minority problems are heard and solved”, added independent MEP Nicu Ștefănuță.

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