Microsoft Turned Out To Be Apple’s Unlikely Savior 27 Years Ago Today When It Invested $150 Million In The Then Struggling Technology Company

Microsoft Turned Out To Be Apple’s Unlikely Savior 27 Years Ago Today When It Invested $150 Million In The Then Struggling Technology Company

Apple struggled to keep pace with the competition in the mid-1990s, leading to the company absorbing monumental financial blows and facing the jaws of potential bankruptcy. By 1997, the California-based firm witnessed a mammoth loss of $1 billion as it failed to have any meaningful reply to Microsoft and IBM. Apple attempted to turn things around, but the launch of its handheld Newton failed to garner sufficient reception, not to mention that its System 7 OS was outdated compared to Windows 95. In short, the technology firm’s executives were probably mulling looking at lucrative positions elsewhere, but in came Microsoft, […]

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