Mindspa launches free self-therapy course to combat gambling addiction during Paris 2024 Olympics

Mindspa launches free self-therapy course to combat gambling addiction during Paris 2024 Olympics

As the 2024 Olympic Games kick off in Paris this week, Mindspa, a leading mental health app with over 1 million users worldwide, is thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking 40-lesson self-therapy course specifically designed to tackle gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction is a significant issue affecting millions of people globally. Despite its prevalence, many individuals hesitate to seek help due to the fear of judgment. The convenience of a mobile app ensures total privacy, a crucial element given the stigma surrounding the condition.

Mindspa’s therapeutic course, developed by leading psychologists, integrates principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Gestalt therapy, offering both theoretical lectures and practical exercises. It provides deep insights into various aspects of gambling addiction. Topics covered include understanding addiction, stages of habit formation, societal and cultural impacts, identifying triggers and resisting urges, the pleasure cycle, the role of emotions and needs in gambling, personal traits and predispositions, neural networks, cognitive biases, motivation, and behavioral strategies for building a sustainable path to recovery.

By addressing gambling addiction within the broader context of mental health, Mindspa offers a comprehensive tool to support overall emotional well-being.

Recognized by Apple as one of the top 5 mental health apps in Europe, Mindspa features a diary to track progress, hundreds of coping exercises for various feelings and emotions, a therapeutic chatbot for immediate support during stressful periods, and additional self-therapy courses on numerous other topics.

Special Significance During the Paris Olympics

The Paris Olympics represent a challenging time for those struggling with gambling addiction, filled with triggers and enticement that could lead to harmful gambling.

To support individuals during this high-risk period, Mindspa is offering this course for free throughout the duration of the games. This initiative underscores Mindspa’s commitment to helping those in need manage their addiction effectively during a time when problem gambling may surge.

“Major events like the Olympics can trigger increased gambling activity. By offering our course for free, we aim to provide accessible support to individuals at a critical time. commented Maurizio Savino, co-founder of Mindspa.

The post Mindspa launches free self-therapy course to combat gambling addiction during Paris 2024 Olympics appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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