Muslims Don’t Matter by Sayeeda Warsi review – a stinging rebuke to former colleagues

Muslims Don’t Matter by Sayeeda Warsi review – a stinging rebuke to former colleagues

Islamophobia is rife, says the former cabinet minister, with Conservative hypocrisy and inaction partly to blame

Prejudices can always be rationalised: racial segregation is upheld as natural. Complaints about sexism get dismissed as emotional outbursts. Muslims encounter a particular version of this: according to hostile politicians and journalists, anger against them is their own fault. Being frightened of their faith is normal – and “Islamophobia” is just a fancy word, invented to shield extremists from criticism.

Gaslighting is always hard to counter. To state what should be obvious, however, no belief system has a monopoly on either wisdom or ignorance and violence. Outliers exist in every group. The existence of flawed individuals doesn’t justify gross generalisations, though – let alone the claim that slurs are harmless.

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