My first Django project, the problem I faced and how I overcome it.

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I started learning Django framework some months ago, as a developer I believe that the main purpose of learning is to use it to solve a problem and to be able to solve a big problem you must start from solving small small problems, by pushing and critical thinking I know I will be able to solve a problem where world 🌎 will be beneficiary. Before I started my journey as a backend developer, whenever I signed up on a any website with a particular information, whenever I want to sign in, if I didn’t provide the information that I provided when I was signing up, I won’t be able to login, I was wondering how this works, how computer understand that the information I wanted to use to log in is not as the same with the one I used during sign up, and some other things I used to think about on how it works. So after I completed my course as a backend developer, I also tried to create an API using Django where a user will provide their email and password to sign up and their information will store in database (MySQL) and if user can’t provide the same it won’t be able to login, after I was done with it, I tested it using Postman during the development stage, after that I connected it with fronted project (bootstrap) for client side. And everything works perfectly. But during the development stage I encounter some issues but I always run to Google to look for the solution and most of the solution I got it from stack overflow and some time I read Django documentation too.

Whatever you can dream in this life you can achieve it, where you started doesn’t matter but have a clear goal and as a developer you must have it in your mind that you are a problem solver and the people that will solve problems must be someone who can think and reason, I also learned from this small project importance of connection and being with people that can help. That what makes me look forward to connect to great people in tech industry and I found HNG internship my first day in workspace made me connect to professional in tech industry, who can solve big problems and tackle them with critical thinking and they are also always available to help when you are stuck. What are you looking for join today [(]
and your dream will be achieved because it’s full with experienced people, networking opportunities and it changes career. I’m happy to be part of this great community, look forward to see you. Join now and thank me later []

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