My vote was a plea for Labour to tackle child poverty. Its response? To suspend me | John McDonnell

My vote was a plea for Labour to tackle child poverty. Its response? To suspend me | John McDonnell

Seven of us voted for a motion to end the two-child benefit cap – not as ‘gesture politics’, but to fight for a cause we believe in

John McDonnell is the MP for Hayes and Harlington

What is it that drove, on Tuesday night, seven Labour MPs to vote for an amendment tabled in parliament by another party, with the virtual certainty of losing the party whip as a consequence? The answer is that some issues are so important, so pressing and so at the core of one’s beliefs that the seriousness of the risk demonstrates the seriousness of the issue at stake.

The revulsion at witnessing large-scale child poverty in our society was one of the key motivating factors for the early socialists who came together to found the Labour party. Establishing a system to end poverty and provide security to all families was at the heart of the postwar Attlee government’s welfare state.

John McDonnell has been the Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington since 1997. He was shadow chancellor from 2015 to 2020

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