Narcissistic, invasive, annoying? No way – the voice note is a lifeline | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

Narcissistic, invasive, annoying? No way – the voice note is a lifeline | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

From a quick message of support to a moan about your in-laws, the sound of a human voice is a blessing to a frazzled parent

What is it about the voice note that bothers so many people? I’ve seen it accused of all sorts – of being narcissistic, invasive, annoying – yet as a communication method, it continues to thrive. Having been a late adopter, I now send them all the time, usually while pushing my son around the city in his buggy (something that is impossible to do while texting).

Where once I felt annoyed when I received one, as though listening to another human being’s voice were simply too demanding, now I’m excited to hear what the person has to say, and how. Funny, sad, entertaining, long-winded, digressive, insightful; whatever their style, I can’t praise them enough.

Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett is a Guardian columnist

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