(neo)vim search and replace, with quickfix and capture groups

(neo)vim search and replace, with quickfix and capture groups

I’m using pandoc to generate this website from markdown files to html, and the
problem that all my images are converted into <figure> tags with
<figcaption>, but my goal is to just generate a normal img tag with alt
attribute, and to solve this issue I need to convert all my image formats from

<!– to be –>
![](./path.jpg “title”]

Use :substitute and capture groups

So here is a video to demonstrate how it should work with this command

:‘<,’>s/![(.*)]((.*))/![](2 “1”)

<.’> This indicates the code range to apply the command only for the current
visually selected and for this case I select the entire line with shift+v.

s/ this the shorthand for :substitute



escape all special characters ! [ ] by adding backslash before each
of them
define a group to capture all text inside the square brackets [] by
using (.*)

the define another group to capture the path inside () by using the

![](2 “1”) now we change the entire line with our format and

2 refers to the second capture group which is the path path.jpg

1 refers to the first capture group which is the title “title”

Search for all image occurrences

Now after we know our command to change the image format, we need to search for
all image occurrences in markdown files in the src directory.

So, we can use vim grep command like that

NOTE: I’m using neovim v0.11 which is use ripgrep by default. So,
maybe some arguments here will not work with normal grep

:silent grep “![“ src glob “*.md”

Now we have all our results inside the quickfix list, we can use
:c[next|prev] command to cycle between the list and apply our command for each
one, but that will be executed and non-efficient.

Apply the command for quickfix list

Fortunately, that vim has a built-in feature to apply any command to all files
inside the qucikfix list by using :cdo command, so here is the command will

:silent cdo! s/![(.*)]((.*))/![](2 “1”)/g

We add /g as well to apply the command in all files. Also if you need
manually confirm for each substitute you add /gc.

Finally save the files

So after everything is good we need to save every change by using

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