NestJs-Mod updated for work with NX v.19.5.3

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New project

# Create empty nx project
npx –yes create-nx-workspace@19.5.3 –name=project-name –preset=apps –interactive=false –ci=skip

# Go to created project
cd project-name

# Install all need main dev-dependencies
npm install –save-dev @nestjs-mod/schematics@latest

# Create NestJS-mod application
./node_modules/.bin/nx g @nestjs-mod/schematics:application –directory=apps/app-name –name=app-name –projectNameAndRootFormat=as-provided –strict=true

Update exists project:

npm run nx — migrate latest
npm run nx — migrate –run-migrations
npx -y npm-check-updates @nestjs-mod/* nestjs-mod @theunderscorer/* rucken @angular* *authorizerdev* *prisma* *redis* *nats* *minio* *pino* -u && npm i

Links – NestJS-mod collection of utilities for unifying NestJS applications and modules. – Repository with various NestJS and NestJS-mod modules and wrapper modules – Example generated via @nestjs-mod/schematics applications – Коллекция утилит NestJS-mod для унификации приложений и модулей на NestJS

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