New Trailer for ‘Grassland’ Film About Marijuana Starring Mia Maestro

New Trailer for ‘Grassland’ Film About Marijuana Starring Mia Maestro

“Having a little pot makes you a criminal?” No, no it doesn’t. An official promo trailer is available for an indie film titled Grassland, the first feature film made by two up-and-coming filmmakers Sam Friedman and William Bermudez based in LA. This recently premiered at the 2024 Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival a few weeks ago. The film, which is executive produced by Common, explores the failures of the criminal justice system through a different POV, and is a riveting social justice thriller highlighting the perils of marijuana incarceration. The story follows a single Latina mother, starring Mía Maestro, whose illegal marijuana business is put at risk when her young son Leo, portrayed by Ravi Cabot-Conyers (from Encanto), befriends their new neighbors who move in downstairs—a white boy played by Sean Convery and his police officer grandfather. It also stars Quincy Isaiah, Jeff Kober, and Rachel Ticotin. I’m glad stories like this are being told, but it seems so melodramatic. It’s hard to watch all the yelling in this trailer. // Continue Reading ›