New US Trailer for Norwegian WWII Survival Movie ‘The Arctic Convoy’

New US Trailer for Norwegian WWII Survival Movie ‘The Arctic Convoy’

“We’ll maintain our course. That’s the last thing the Germans expect.” Magnolia Pictures has revealed an official US trailer for a Norwegian WWII survival action thriller film called The Arctic Convoy, originally titled just Konvoi in Norwegian. This opened in Norway first late last year with a theatrical release, now it’s getting a US release (direct-to-VOD) in late July this summer. Who wants to enjoy chilly, freezing cold WWII cargo ship thriller in the middle of summer? Here you go. Summer 1941: Hitler seems unstoppable, invading the Soviet Union. Convoys of cargo ships with war materials began the perilous journey over to Murmansk. Ordinary sailors facing German superiority in the icy Arctic sea with their lives at stake. In 1942, the leader of a convoy carrying vital military supplies to a Norwegian outpost decides to proceed through treacherous, enemy-infested waters despite the recall of their military escort. 35 civilian ships brave brutal Arctic seas to bring much needed support to soldiers. This WWII film stars Tobias Santelmann, Adam Lundgren, Jakob Fort, Anders Baasmo, & Fredrik Stenberg Ditlev-Simonsen. Take a look below. // Continue Reading ›