Nice Girls Ending Explained: Who Killed Ludo & Why?

Nice Girls Ending Explained: Who Killed Ludo & Why?

Photo Credit: Netflix

Nice Girls is a French action comedy thriller film that became available on Netflix on August 21, and the viewers want to know what happens in the ending and who killed Ludo. It exclusively takes place on the French Riviera and revolves around two women, police officers Léo and Mélanie, as they reluctantly join forces to solve Ludo’s murder. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of an important environmental summit, which provides a climate-conscious aspect to the narrative.

Here is a detailed breakdown of everything that happens at the end of Netflix’s Nice Girls.

Who Killed Ludo in Netflix’s Nice Girls and why?

Léo and Ludo were really close, with the former stating multiple times that they were like siblings. She is understandably devastated after learning someone killed Leo in Hamburg, Germany. Léo also becomes frustrated when Mélanie, a purported German detective, arrives in the Riviera to investigate the case.

The two women initially don’t get along, but they gradually develop a deep bond through their shared connection to Ludo. It is revealed that Mélanie is actually an officer from Paris and not Germany. Further, she and Ludo were in a romantic relationship, and he even asked her to marry him.

Meanwhile, Ludo is killed by a British female assassin named Kim. She is working with Valence, the director for communications for Sima Scott, a young and renowned climate activist, attending the environmental summit. The event is the seventh of its kind on fossil fuel, hosted by, of all things, an organization called Petrol Global.

It turns out that Sima is this group’s ultimate target. On the other hand, a TV personality named Cassati brings explosives to the Riviera on behalf of this group. Fortunately for Sima, Léo, Mélanie, and former hacker Bat Mareschi figure out what Valence, Kim, and their accomplices have planned.

Léo and Mélanie succeed in arresting Kim and Valence because of the footage of the assassin admitting her guilt. Moreover, the detectives and Bat save Sima by helping her get out of the car rigged with explosives and drive it to a remote cliff before the bomb goes off.

What happens to Léo, Mélanie, and Bat Mareschi at the end of Nice Girls (2024)?

Toward the end of the film, a funeral is held for Ludo in the presence of all his loved ones. Léo becomes the new police chief, replacing Hernandez, who moves to a different office. While Bat joins the police department as an IT service officer, Cassati, who was in a coma as a chandelier fell on him, wakes up.

Léo and Mélanie pay Cassati a visit, likely to learn if other people were part of the assassination plot. Hence, the film does indicate a couple of times that there might be, leaving an avenue open for a potential sequel. Not just that, Leo and Bat begin a relationship.

The police also arrest Gustavo and Laura, corrupt but inept officers who have been working with Valence. In the meantime, Sima manages to convince Petrol Global to commit to ratifying the Fossil Fuel Energy Non-Proliferation Treaty.

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