Nigel Slater’s recipes for vanilla shortbread with pistachio and cherries, and feta scones, watercress and cucumber butter

Nigel Slater’s recipes for vanilla shortbread with pistachio and cherries, and feta scones, watercress and cucumber butter

Unusually flavoursome treats for a truly glorious afternoon tea in the garden

I made a batch of scones this week that I was particularly happy with, introducing crumbs of feta and thyme leaves to the dough, and offering them warm from the oven with a peppery butter of watercress and cucumber. A tiny mouthful of summer.

Afternoon tea is a timeless treat that rarely fails to delight, and never more so than in a shady corner on a summer’s afternoon. Homemade scones, freshly baked biscuits and a pot of tea is a treat beyond measure, especially if the rain stops for long enough to set them up on a table outside.

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