Not just desperate but cruel! Making a British Cheers is the stupidest TV idea yet

Not just desperate but cruel! Making a British Cheers is the stupidest TV idea yet

Cheers was a ratings powerhouse, a stone-cold classic – and British pubs are infinitely more depressing than American bars. This idea is doomed to fail … isn’t it?

Remember last week, when you heard that there was going to be an Australian remake of The Office? Remember how your first instinct upon hearing the news was “Wow, television must really be in a bad place if someone is actually considering an international remake of a 23-year-old sitcom that already exists in two definitive forms”?

Well, I’m sorry to inform you that you were premature. It might be foolish to remake The Office, but it isn’t stupid. No, what would be stupid were if a British production company was to pitch a remake of Cheers. That would essentially be an outright admission of defeat from the entire television industry as a whole.

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