Notes on chocolate: the delights of slow-crafted liquorice balls

Notes on chocolate: the delights of slow-crafted liquorice balls

A new flavour from Lakrids is so good it must be shared

Many years ago, deep in Bermondsey, which is south of London’s Thames, I had a boyfriend who supported Leeds United. Because I had no UK team (my team was Juventus thanks to Dino Zoff, the greatest goal keeper of all time), I adopted his team and even had a scarf. Little did I know that I would find myself in Leeds and all its glory so frequently in the future. For me, as a young woman, Leeds was just somewhere up north. My life revolved around London where we lived, the occasional Bedford jaunt where one uncle lived and, because I’m Italian, Italy. The wilds and wonders of the UK were little known to me and I had yet to discover how fabulous Leeds was.

This time, I brought a little bit of Copenhagen with me to Leeds. I visited the Lakrids factory two winters ago and this is not my first time writing about this Danish brand. But they’ve just launched a new flavour called Milk and Honey, £19.99, and it’s so good I had to share it. Milk and Honey is the newest addition to its Organic Slow Crafted Liquorice range. When I toured the factory I was given a chunk of the slow-crafted stuff and I couldn’t let go of it. It’s so toffee-ish, but the sort of chew a woman with fillings can enjoy.

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