Official Trailer for Action Film ‘Paradox Effect’ with Keitel & Kurylenko

Official Trailer for Action Film ‘Paradox Effect’ with Keitel & Kurylenko

“We’re in this together now.” Gravitas has revealed an official trailer for a movie called Paradox Effect, made by filmmaker Scott Weintrob. Despite that title sounding possibly sci-fi, this isn’t really a sci-fi movie, just another one of these generic action thrillers about criminals and cops and drug dealers and all the usual stuff. It’s set to arrive on VOD to watch this September in the fall. An ex junkie witnesses a murder. She is forced to cooperate with the killer to save her daughter’s life. She must fight time, the police and criminal underworld to save the only person who means something to her. The mastermind behind it all is crime lord Silvio and his vicious gangsters who forces Karina and Covek, a deadly killer threatened by him, to go on a journey against time. With Harvey Keitel, Olga Kurylenko, Oliver Trevena, Alice Astons, Meredith Mickelson, Talia Asseraf, Andrea Garofalo, Romano Reggiani, Malich Cissé. Even with these two big names in the cast, this looks like more instantly forgettable, derivative schlock that we can safely ignore. // Continue Reading ›

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