Olympic Logo CSS Art

Olympic Logo CSS Art

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.07.24, CSS Art: Recreation.

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As the 2024 Paris Olympics is full on, even though its a great moment all great moments has to come to an end. So I have created CSS art : recreating end of 2024 Paris Olympics.



Creating this Olympic Rings animation was an exciting and educational process. I began by setting up the basic HTML structure for the logo, ensuring it included all five Olympic rings with their respective colors. The primary goal was to animate the rings to create a visually striking effect that mimics a fiery transition.
Initial Setup: I started with the basic HTML and CSS to lay out the Olympic rings. This involved creating five circles with specific colors and positioning them correctly.

1.Animation Design: To bring the logo to life, I implemented a fire animation using CSS @keyframes. This involved transitioning the rings from their standard colors to a fiery orange and then fading out, simulating a flame effect.

2.Text Appearance: After completing the ring animations, I added the text “End of Olympics 2024” to appear once the animation concluded.

3.This required careful timing and CSS transitions to ensure the text revealed itself smoothly and aligned with the end of the animation.

4.Refinement: I refined the animation by adjusting delays and transitions to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing final product. This involved tweaking the animation timings and ensuring all elements worked together seamlessly.

What I Learned:
1.CSS Animations: Gained a deeper understanding of CSS animations and transitions, particularly how to use @keyframes to create dynamic visual effects.
2.Animation Timing: Learned how to coordinate multiple animations to start and end at precise times using animation-delay and animation properties.
3.Text Styling: Improved skills in text styling and animation, including advanced techniques like background-clip for text gradients.

Proud Moments:
I’m particularly proud of how the fire animation turned out, especially how the rings transition smoothly into a fiery effect before changing to their final colors. The text reveal effect also added a nice finishing touch, effectively conveying the end of the event in a visually compelling manner.

Next Steps:
1.Enhanced Interactivity: Plan to add interactive features, such as user-triggered animations or additional information about the Olympics.
2.Optimization: Explore further optimizations for performance and compatibility across different browsers and devices.
3.Expanding Projects: Looking forward to applying these animation techniques to other projects, potentially integrating more complex animations or interactive elements.

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