packageoidc the dartflutter authentication package you didnt know you needed in Flutter News 2024 #23 ʚїɞ

packageoidc the dartflutter authentication package you didnt know you needed in Flutter News 2024 #23 ʚїɞ

Hey Flutter enthusiasts!

Ever worry about missing key Flutter updates? Well, worry no more!
Starting 2024, I’m here to keep you informed with a weekly Monday report. Let’s stay ahead in the world of Flutter!

Table of Contents

Mayor Flutter updates

New Flutter Videos

New Flutter Packages
New Dev Posts
New Medium Posts

Mayor Flutter updates:

There are no mayor flutter updates this week!

-> Currently Flutter Version Google I/O 3.22

New Flutter Videos:

The Flutter YouTube Channel did not post any new Videos this week!

New Flutter-Packages

runner (Version 1.0.2)

OpenCI”s CLI
#args, #cli_completion, #dart_firebase_admin, #dart_frog, #dart_jsonwebtoken, #dartssh2, #dotenv, #freezed_annotation, #github, #google_play_api_kit, #googleapis, #googleapis_auth, #http, #json_annotation, #mason_logger, #openci_models, #process_run, #pub_updater, #sentry, #uuid

alice_dio (Version 1.0.2)

Alice + Dio integration. It contains plugin for Alice which allows to use Dio package.
#alice, #dio

nullx (Version 0.1.4)

nullx is a simple package that enhances handling of nullable types, null-checking etc.
#Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)

flutter_floaty (Version 0.1.10)

This plugin provides a customizable Floating button to drag on screen in flutter. This package is light and easy to use

advanced_media_picker (Version 0.0.5)

This plugin displays a gallery with user”s Albums and Photos with ability to take photo and video.
#camera, #collection, #cross_file, #file_picker, #flutter, #flutter_sticky_header, #photo_manager, #photo_manager_image_provider, #video_thumbnail

New Dev-Posts

New Medium-Posts

packageoidc the dartflutter authentication package you didnt know you needed by Ahmed Fwela

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows clients to verify the identity of a user and obtain basic profile information about them without having to…
Flutter, Dart, Openid Connect, Oauth, Flutter Package

Its Not That Easy to Be a Front-End Developer as They Say by Mada

Being a front-end developer might seem like a glamorous job. You get to create beautiful websites work with the latest technologies and enjoy the perks of a tech job. But the reality is far more…
Frontend Development, Front End Development, Flutter, UI Design, Front End Developer

[Flutter-issue] geolocator ^12.0.0 by sidcode

Geolocator, Issue, Gradle, Flutter

How to Become a Flutter Developer — A Complete Roadmap (2024) by Dayakumar

Becoming a Flutter developer in 2024 involves mastering several key skills and following a structured learning path. Below is a comprehensive roadmap to guide you through this journey.
Flutter, Developer, For Beginners, Flutter App Development

Automatic Dart stub generator stub_gen by Fumiya Tanaka

Dart3 has introduced a lot of great features such as sealed class Record deconstructing via pattern matching and so on. These improvements can be my motivation to develop Flutter in Dart. (I…
Dart, Flutter, Testing, Mock, Stub

Last Flutter News: Flutter News 2024 #22 ʚїɞ

Did I miss any recent updates? Feel free to share any important news I might have overlooked!