The ballot-access protection racket

The ballot-access protection racket

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is experiencing the arcane world of ballot access. That’s because he is running for president as an Independent rather than as a Democrat. If he had remained in the Democratic Party and won the party’s nomination, he would have automatically been on the ballot in November. As an Independent…

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RMAG news

A Guide to Full Text Search in Django Using SearchVector

When building web applications with Django, adding efficient search functionality can greatly improve the user experience. Django, a high-level Python web framework, makes it easy to develop complex websites. In this post, we’ll explore how to integrate powerful full text search into your Django application using SearchVector. Understanding Full Text Search Full text search allows…

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RMAG news

JavaScript Objects | Complete Guide

JavaScript Objects Similar to other programming languages javascript objects is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is a string and each value can be of any data type. Ways to create JavaScript Object Object liternal Notation The simplests way that you will use 98% of time. const scorcism = { name: “Abhishek“, age:21…

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Cloudforet for Production

Cloudforet for Production

This guide is for Installation of Cloudforet for Production. On-premise Kubernetes MongoDB Atlas SaaS Architecture Pre-requisite Kubernetes Install your own Kubernetes Clusters MongoDB Cluster MongoDB Atlas Domain Name Prepare your domain name (In this guide, Certificates SMTP Server For sending email notification

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RMAG news

Git and GitHub in Linux

SSH Key First we need to set up the ssh keys in the .ssh folder in the home directory. If you don’t have an ssh folder in the home directory, create it Once there we can follow this steps: run ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -C “email@example”, replace it with your actual email. The default settings…

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