Implementing GraphRAG for Query-Focused Summarization

Implementing GraphRAG for Query-Focused Summarization

In this tutorial, I’ll explore the implementation of the GraphRAG (Graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation) approach to query-focused summarization, as described in the research paper “From Local to Global: A GraphRAG Approach to Query-Focused Summarization” by Darren Edge et al. This method is designed to generate comprehensive and diverse answers to global questions over entire text corpora…

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RMAG news

C# dasturlash tili | Record haqida

C# dasturlash tilida shunaqangi bir kalit so’z borki, u orqali siz data-centric ma’lumot tiplarini yarata olasiz. Uni nomi record. U qanday ishlaydi ? (degan savol tugilishi mumkin sizda). Hozir tushuntiraman. record bu reference type hisoblanadi. Va u shunday yoziladi. public record Agent(string Name, int age); yozilishi juda ham sodda, To’gri bunday tipni boshqa bir usul,…

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Sexual assaults are down in the US military. Here’s what to know about the numbers

Sexual assaults are down in the US military. Here’s what to know about the numbers

Pentagon officials are cautiously optimistic that an overall decline in reported sexual assaults among active-duty service members and the military academies suggests that leaders are finally getting a handle on what has been a persistent problem. “The department’s leadership has made this a top priority issue and has been deeply committed to this work, and…

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