Official Trailer for Sci-Fi Doc ‘Lyd’ – About an Ancient City in Palestine

Official Trailer for Sci-Fi Doc ‘Lyd’ – About an Ancient City in Palestine

“I want to prosper again.” Icarus Films has revealed an official trailer for Lyd, a documentary film about a Palestinian city that is now an Israeli city. This is opening in the US in very limited theaters (starting in New York at the Firehouse Cinema) later in April, with more to follow. A story of…

NeuroMesh: Spearheading the New Era of AI with a Distributed Training Protocol

NeuroMesh: Spearheading the New Era of AI with a Distributed Training Protocol

[PRESS RELEASE – London, United Kingdom, April 9th, 2024] NeuroMesh (, a trailblazer in artificial intelligence, announces the rollout of its distributed AI training protocol, poised to revolutionize global access and collaboration in AI development. Embracing DePIN’s decentralized framework, NeuroMesh bridges the gaps between the demand for training large AI models and distributed GPUs. This…

POKT Network Welcomes Three New Gateways & Brings Open Data Access to Millions of End Users

POKT Network Welcomes Three New Gateways & Brings Open Data Access to Millions of End Users

[PRESS RELEASE – Georgetown, Cayman Islands, April 9th, 2024] Developer DAO, Raid Guild, and Chainstack will bring their respective networks and distribution to POKT Network, providing more developers with read/write access to 60+ blockchains’ by building on top of POKT Network’s decentralized infrastructure POKT Network, the user-governed platform building a Universal RPC Base Layer, announced today…

SCOOP: McConnell-aligned groups set election year fundraising record in battle for Senate majority

SCOOP: McConnell-aligned groups set election year fundraising record in battle for Senate majority

EXCLUSIVE: Two outside groups aligned with longtime Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell report that they hauled in over $51 million in fundraising in the past three months as Republicans aim to win back the chamber’s majority in November’s elections. Senate Leadership Fund, which is the top super PAC backing Senate Republican incumbents and candidates, brought…

Marruecos dispone de 233 drones militares

Marruecos dispone de 233 drones militares

Marruecos dispone en la actualidad de 233 drones y es el segundo país en el continente africano en este tipo de armas, después de Egipto, cuyo arsenal de fuerzas armadas incluía más de 260, mientras que Nigeria ocupa el tercer lugar, con 177 unidades, seguido por el ejército etíope con unos 126, según medios digitales…

Irland: Simon Harris ist jüngster Premierminister aller Zeiten

Irland: Simon Harris ist jüngster Premierminister aller Zeiten

Nach dem überraschenden Rücktritt von Irlands Regierungschef Leo Varadkar steht sein Nachfolger fest: Simon Harris ist zum Premierminister gewählt worden – mit nur 37 Jahren. Simon Harris wird neuer Regierungschef von Irland . Das Parlament in Dublin wählte den 37-Jährigen zum Nachfolger von Leo Varadkar, der überraschend zurückgetreten war. Harris, der bisher Hochschulminister war, wurde…

Farrey Ending Explained & Spoilers: How Did Alizeh Agnihotri’s Movie End?

Farrey Ending Explained & Spoilers: How Did Alizeh Agnihotri’s Movie End?

Photo Credit: Salman Khan Films Farrey is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language heist thriller directed by Soumendra Padhi. The film stars Salman Khan’s niece, Alizeh Agnihotri, in the lead role alongside a talented ensemble cast. The cast includes Ronit Roy, Sahil Mehta, Zeyn Shaw, Prasanna Bisht, Juhi Babbar, and Shilpa Shukla. Farrey is an official remake…

Why is the Ripple (XRP) Price Up Today?

Why is the Ripple (XRP) Price Up Today?

TL;DR Ripple’s XRP price rose to $0.64, with its market cap crossing $35 billion. The increase coincides with a miner uptrend of the digital asset market. The price of Ripple’s XRP experienced a substantial revival in the past hour, spiking by 4% and reaching the $0.64 mark. Currently, it trades at approximately $0.63 (per CoinGecko’s…

Bulgaria va avea alegeri generale simultan cu alegerile europarlamentare. Dimitar Glavchev este prim-ministru interimar

Bulgaria va avea alegeri generale simultan cu alegerile europarlamentare. Dimitar Glavchev este prim-ministru interimar

În ziua de 9 iunie 2024, simultan cu alegerile europarlamentare, în Bulgaria se vor desfășura alegeri generale anticipate, menite să rezolve criza politică. Până la alegerile din 9 iunie, Bulgaria are un guvern interimar condus de prim-ministrul Dimitar Glavchev. Premierul interimar și guvernul său au depus jurământul, în fața Parlamentului, la data de 9 aprilie…

El único país que derribó un avión furtivo de EEUU quiere comprar 12 cazas Rafale franceses

El único país que derribó un avión furtivo de EEUU quiere comprar 12 cazas Rafale franceses

El presidente serbio, Aleksandar Vučić, ha expresado su admiración por el caza de combate francés Rafale y lo ha definido como “uno de los mejores aviones del mundo”. El mandatario destacó durante una entrevista con la importancia de mejorar las capacidades de combate de Serbia mediante la adquisición de estos sofisticados aviones de combate equipados…

Află cum poți scăpa de bărbia dublă. Trucuri care te vor ajuta să scapi de acest complex

Află cum poți scăpa de bărbia dublă. Trucuri care te vor ajuta să scapi de acest complex

Ce este lipoliza chimică Dr. Cristina Berbecar-Zeca, medic specialist în Chirurgie Plastică, Estetică & Microchirurgie Reconstructivă a vorbit pentru, și a pus în lumină lipoliza chimică ca fiind procedura de elecție pentru majoritatea pacienților care doresc să scape de bărbia dublă. Această metodă neinvazivă presupune îndepărtarea depozitelor de grăsime locală printr-un proces de topire…

Folytatódik a „türelemjáték” Székelyudvarhely Csíkszereda felőli kijáratánál

Folytatódik a „türelemjáték” Székelyudvarhely Csíkszereda felőli kijáratánál

A nagy mobilitási terv kivitelezésének részeként folytatódnak a tavaly elkezdett, majd a téli időjárás következtében félbehagyott munkálatok Székelyudvarhelyen, a Bethlenfalvi úton. A közlekedési infók megosztására létrehozott Facebook-csoportokba feltöltött fotók és bejegyzések tanúsága szerint kedden a forgalomelterelések miatt torlódások alakultak ki az érintett utcákban és a Bethlenfalvi úton egyaránt. A Székelyudvarhelyi Helyi Rendőrség keddi bejegyzése alapján…

First direct flights between Romania and Azerbaijan take off in June

First direct flights between Romania and Azerbaijan take off in June

A direct air route between Romania’s capital, Bucharest, and Azerbaijan’s Baku will open on June 3, Romanian energy minister Sebastian Burduja announced after an official visit to Baku, where he met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. The route will have two flights per week, on Mondays and Thursdays, operated by Azerbaijan’s state airline AZAL. The…

Super Rich in Korea Trailer Teases Cast Members: Kim Anna, David Yong, Aren Yoo & More

Super Rich in Korea Trailer Teases Cast Members: Kim Anna, David Yong, Aren Yoo & More

GOT7’s BamBam, Cho Sae-Ho, Mimi (Photo Credit: Netflix) The upcoming Netflix reality series Super Rich in Korea released a new trailer, giving viewers a glimpse of the super-rich elite cast members. The series, which premieres on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, documents the ultra-luxurious lives of elites in Korea. It promises to give viewers an inside…

Rmag Breaking News

Procurorul Portocală l-a dat în judecată pe Ciutacu!

Procurorul Mircea Negulescu, cunoscut că Portocală, l-a dat în judecată pe jurnalistul Victor Ciutacu. Ponta a povestit despre cumnatul său, despre care a spus că a fost hărțuit de DNA.L-a acuzat totodată pe procuror afirmând că e ”nemernic”.  ”Uite, mi-a trimis Portocală mesaj: ”Domnule Ponta, te voi acționa în judecată, eu nu sunt infractor și nici…

Apple’s Jony Ive and OpenAI’s Sam Altman seek funds for new AI personal device

Apple’s Jony Ive and OpenAI’s Sam Altman seek funds for new AI personal device

Former Apple design lead Jony Ive and current Open AI CEO Sam Altman are sourcing funding for a new “artificial intelligence-powered personal device”. Sources speaking to The Information state that the duo are working together on the new device. Exact details are not yet known but it reportedly won’t look anything like a smartphone. Plans…

Former owner of gas station chain gets Trump’s endorsement in Wisconsin congressional race

Former owner of gas station chain gets Trump’s endorsement in Wisconsin congressional race

MADISON, Wis. — The former owner of a dinosaur-themed gas station chain in northeastern Wisconsin announced a run for Congress in a heavily Republican district on Monday after receiving an endorsement from former President Donald Trump over the weekend. Tony Wied, who owned six Dino Stop gas stations and convenience stores, joined the race for…

One Piece Episode 1100 Recap: Luffy vs. Lucci Fight Takes Center Stage

One Piece Episode 1100 Recap: Luffy vs. Lucci Fight Takes Center Stage

Lucci and Luffy (Photo Credit: Toei Animation) One Piece episode 1100 is titled “Powers on a Different Level! Luffy vs. Lucci!” and was released on Sunday, April 7, 2024. This episode mainly focused on a rematch between Luffy and Lucci. The Egghead Island arc is drawing parallels with the Sabaody Archipelago arc. The major highlights…

Neinver aumenta sus ventas un 11%, hasta alcanzar los 1.480 millones de euros

Neinver aumenta sus ventas un 11%, hasta alcanzar los 1.480 millones de euros

Neinver, el principal operador de centros outlet en España, ha cerrado el ejercicio 2023 con unas ventas totales en los 21 centros que gestiona en Europa de hasta 1.480 millones de euros. Esta cifra supone un incremento del 11% con respecto a 2022 y crecimientos récord mes a mes. Los centros gestionados por la multinacional…

Csíkszéki református lelkészek sérültek meg a Szentegyházánál bekövetkezett balesetben

Csíkszéki református lelkészek sérültek meg a Szentegyházánál bekövetkezett balesetben

Az egyik lelkipásztort a helyszínen újra kellett éleszteni, kollégáját pedig belső vérzéssel és bordatöréssel szállították kórházba. Harmadik társuk zúzódásokkal úszta meg a balesetet. Egy, a közösségi médiában közzétett felhívásban arra kérik a jószándékú hívőket, hogy imádkozzanak a sérültek mihamarabbi felépüléséért. A másik járműben utazó 33 éves sofőrt sokkos állapotban szállították kórházba.

Kriminalstatistik: Kriminologe äußert scharfe Kritik | Video

Kriminalstatistik: Kriminologe äußert scharfe Kritik | Video

Die Polizei hat im vergangenen Jahr in Deutschland so viele Straftaten registriert wie seit 2016 nicht mehr. Ein Polizeiwissenschaftler kritisiert die Daten scharf. Mehr Diebstähle, mehr Gewaltdelikte: Die Zahl der Straftaten in Deutschland ist im vergangenen Jahr deutlich gestiegen und lag damit auf dem höchsten Stand seit 2016. Insgesamt registrierten die Behörden 5,941 Millionen Fälle…

„Este timpul să alegem în fața inamicilor lumii libere”. Mike Pompeo se alătură republicanilor care fac presiuni pentru susținerea Ucrainei

„Este timpul să alegem în fața inamicilor lumii libere”. Mike Pompeo se alătură republicanilor care fac presiuni pentru susținerea Ucrainei

Mike Pompeo, fost șef al CIA și al diplomației americane sub preşedinţia lui Donald Trump, s-a alăturat republicanilor care cer continuarea ajutorului militar pentru Ucraina, după ce doi membri ai partidului i-au acuzat pe cei care se opun aprobării noului pachet de asistență că au cedat în faţa propagandei ruse, relatează agenția de presă Reuters,…