Theo Rose, dezvăluiri despre a doua sarcină. Când vine pe lume al doilea copil: ”Anghel e nerăbdător”

Theo Rose, dezvăluiri despre a doua sarcină. Când vine pe lume al doilea copil: ”Anghel e nerăbdător”

Theo Rose a vorbit despre familia pe care și-a întemeiat-o cu Anghel Damian, dar și despre posibilitatea de a o mări în scurt timp. Vedeta a avut de luat decizii importante după ce a născut, ținând cont că prioritățile sale s-au schimbat. A mărturisit și cum arată prezentul pentru ea după moartea Verei Maximilian din…

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Stuart Parkin Revolutionized Disk Drive Storage

Stuart Parkin Revolutionized Disk Drive Storage

Ours is a data-centric world. Many modern inventions and occupations rely on data. Artificial intelligence feasts on it. Machine learning identifies patterns within it. Internet of Things devices generate and transmit it. Genomics, bioinformatics, climate science, telecommunications, finance, health care and so many more fields depend on it. For massive datasets to be of use,…

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Tennessee aquarium welcomes 7 baby turtles endangered in wilderness, experts call it a ‘small victory’

Tennessee aquarium welcomes 7 baby turtles endangered in wilderness, experts call it a ‘small victory’

A bale of Arakan forest turtles — a critically endangered species — were welcomed to the world recently at an aquarium in Tennessee.  The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, Tennessee, announced the arrival of seven hatchlings.  The aquarium put out a press release with the good news and shared that it’s rare for all seven of…

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Rmag Breaking News

Handling Environment Variables in Nuxt 3: Security Considerations and Best Practices

TL;DR: Nuxt uses vitejs Any environment variable with a name that dont start with VITE_ will never be exposed to your frontend code All environment variables including OS level will be accessed in your server side code, eg. in api routes files Environment variables are a powerful way to store configuration values that can…

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