Garmin Lily 2 review: A smartwatch that doesn’t scream ‘fitness tracker’

Garmin Lily 2 review: A smartwatch that doesn’t scream ‘fitness tracker’

There are many options for smartwatches on the market. From more “traditional” smartwatches from Apple and Samsung to fitness-focused options from brands like Fitbit and Garmin, choosing your perfect smartwatch can be overwhelming — especially if you want something with form and functionality.  Personally, I’ve been an Apple Watch user for several years, but —…

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Ukraine: Welche Länder einen Einfluss auf Putin haben könnten | Podcast

Ukraine: Welche Länder einen Einfluss auf Putin haben könnten | Podcast

Der Konflikt in der Ukraine ist festgefahren. Es braucht andere Lösungen als mehr Waffen und Munition, meint der SPD-Politiker Ralf Stegner im t-online-Podcast. Mit seiner Aussage, den Krieg in der Ukraine “einfrieren” zu wollen, hat SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich viel Kritik auf sich gezogen. Zurücknehmen wollte er die Aussage bislang nicht. Sein Parteikollege Ralf Stegner unterstützt…

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Bază militară din Transnistria lovită de dronă. “Nu sunt victime”

Bază militară din Transnistria lovită de dronă. “Nu sunt victime”

Transnistria, regiunea separatistă pro-rusă din Republica Moldova, a fost din nou în centrul atenției vineri, când s-a raportat că o dronă explozivă a lovit o stație radar a uneia dintre bazele sale militare. Incidentul survine la doar trei săptămâni după un eveniment similar, fără a provoca victime sau pagube semnificative. Un mesaj postat de minister…

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La Diputación de Segovia promueve las enseñanzas de música tradicional en las escuelas de la provincia con una convocatoria de ayudas dotada de 8.000 euros

La Diputación de Segovia promueve las enseñanzas de música tradicional en las escuelas de la provincia con una convocatoria de ayudas dotada de 8.000 euros

El Servicio de Cultura de la Diputación continúa promoviendo el conocimiento de la tradición entre los habitantes de la provincia y, por ello, en la línea de trabajo del Instituto de la Cultura Tradicional Manuel González Herrero, ha convocado un año más las ayudas destinadas a ayuntamientos, asociaciones u otras entidades carentes de ánimo de…

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Thames Water funding crisis: the key players in the row over its future

Thames Water funding crisis: the key players in the row over its future

In latest twist to finger-pointing standoff, debt-stricken supplier’s parent company has defaulted on loan The standoff between Thames Water, its shareholders, the government and the industry regulator is beginning to resemble the final scene of Reservoir Dogs. As Britain’s biggest water supplier creaks, the finger pointing over its financial woes is under way. Its executives…

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