RMAG news

On Premise Face Recognition SDK and Liveness Detection SDK by FacePlugin

In today’s digital age, where security and privacy are crucial, on premise face recognition SDK and liveness detection SDK technologies play critical roles in protecting sensitive information and assuring the legitimacy of identities. The importance of security and privacy in today’s digital environment cannot be emphasized. With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches,…

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How I switched from Stack to Cabal

How I switched from Stack to Cabal

Have you ever struggled to choose between stack and cabal for your Haskell projects? I haven’t, because all the years ago I started with stack and never dared to switch to cabal. 💡 Technically, I did use it in the enterprise setting, but let’s say it’s irrelevant. Stack has been my personal go-to build tool, basically…

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Sweet Announce Farewell Australian Tour

Sweet Announce Farewell Australian Tour

British glam rock band Sweet (formerly known as The Sweet) are heading to Australia this November, performing a Greatest Hits set as part of their Farewell Tour. The tour marks the band’s first performances in Australia in ten years. Known for their Greatest Hits, including Ballroom Blitz, Fox On The Run, Hell Raiser, Teenage Rampage,…

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Journey Through the Digital Cosmos: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Internet and the World Wide Web

Journey Through the Digital Cosmos: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Internet and the World Wide Web

In the vast expanse of technological innovation, the terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web” are often used interchangeably, creating an illusion of synonymity. However, for us, the trailblazers in the realm of technology, particularly those who have navigated the initial labyrinth of confusion, distinguishing between these terms is not merely a matter of semantics—it forms…

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