JuiceFS 1.2 Beta 1: Gateway Upgrade, Enhanced Multi-User Permission Management

JuiceFS 1.2 Beta 1: Gateway Upgrade, Enhanced Multi-User Permission Management

JuiceFS v1.2-beta1 is released, featuring significant improvements in user experience, bug fixes, and three new features: Enhanced gateway capabilities: Introduces Identity and Access Management (IAM) and event notifications to provide users with more secure, flexible, and automated data management and monitoring capabilities, suitable for multi-user environments and complex application scenarios. Support for POSIX access control…

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Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 5 | Diagonal Traverse

Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 5 | Diagonal Traverse

Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 5 | Diagonal Traverse | by Subhradeep Saha | May, 2024 | Dev Genius Slay Leetcode’s Diagonal Traversal problem with this detailed C++ guide – code breakdown, dry run with diagrams, & real-world applications. blog.devgenius.io Here is the Leetcode problem: https://leetcode.com/explore/learn/card/array-and-string/202/introduction-to-2d-array/1167/ Problem Statement Given a matrix (mat) with…

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Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 4 | Add Binary

Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 4 | Add Binary

Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 4 | Add Binary | by Subhradeep Saha | Apr, 2024 | Medium Subhradeep Saha ・ Apr 30, 2024 ・ Medium Here is the leetcode problem link — https://leetcode.com/explore/learn/card/array-and-string/203/introduction-to-string/1160/ 1. Problem Statement, Constraints, and Test Case Problem: Write a function that takes two binary strings (a and b) as input and…

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Patienten-Stiftung fordert Prüfungen deutscher Arztpraxen

Patienten-Stiftung fordert Prüfungen deutscher Arztpraxen

Ärzte wollen Patientinnen und Patienten effizienter durchs Gesundheitswesen lotsen. Patientenschützer kontern: Sie wollen erst Prüfungen, wie gut die einzelnen Praxen überhaupt sind. Niedergelassene Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Deutschland sollten nach Ansicht der Deutschen Stiftung Patientenschutz unabhängig auf ihre Qualität und Erreichbarkeit überprüft werden. Das sagte Stiftungsvorstand Eugen Brysch der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin vor dem…

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