RMAG news

Message queue with Socket.io

Overview Hello guys, today I will introduce new package called “socketio-mq”. socketio-mq is a library that combines typing with Socket.IO and message queues to provide a structured and efficient way of handling real-time communication and event-driven architecture. It allows you to define typed events and messages, ensuring type safety and improving the development experience. Features…

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Streamline Your Workflow: A Guide to Normalising Git Commit and Push Processes

Streamline Your Workflow: A Guide to Normalising Git Commit and Push Processes

Discover how to streamline your Git commit and push processes using a robust toolkit comprising Husky, ESLint, lint-staged, Commitlint, and simple Shell scripts. This guide will help you automate and standardise your version control workflow, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your development projects. Dive into practical setups and tips to make your Git operations seamless…

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Best Practice for Production Traffic Replication in Trip.com

Best Practice for Production Traffic Replication in Trip.com

Intro AREX is an open-source API testing platform developed by Trip.com using the concept of production traffic replication. It focuses on the construction of core linkages for recording and playback, evolving from basic solution architecture to deep implementation verification across the corporation’s core business lines. Through continuous iterations and optimizations amidst the group’s complex business…

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RMAG news

Pensiile care urmează să fie dublate în România. De ce nu ți-ai dori să te numeri printre beneficiarii noii legi

O nouă propunere legislativă care vizează modificarea Legii pensiilor ar putea aduce schimbări semnificative pentru aproximativ 150.000 de pensionari din România, majoritatea foști lucrători în agricultură. Deși la prima vedere majorarea pensiilor ar putea părea un motiv de bucurie, există aspecte care ar trebui să ne dea de gândit înainte de a considera această măsură…

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