Super rare bird appears for first time in America, plus these donuts are a sweet trending treat

Super rare bird appears for first time in America, plus these donuts are a sweet trending treat

RARE ENCOUNTER – A teacher has made headlines in the bird community after photographing a rare species in Oregon that’s believed to have made its very first appearance in the U.S. Continue reading… TRENDING TREAT – Mochi donuts, a fusion of Japanese and American culinary traditions, are colorful, whimsical, Instagrammable and surging in popularity in…

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The five best AI apps for students in 2024

The five best AI apps for students in 2024

Artificial intelligence in education is becoming increasingly common. So much so, that tech giants like Meta have already rolled out virtual reality headsets in some classrooms across the world. Consequently, there are already a multitude of AI apps geared towards students, helping them sail through their studies. According to a Tyton Partners report, nearly half…

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Vama Veche: Marș de solidaritate în memoria celor doi studenți uciși de Vlad Pascu

Vama Veche: Marș de solidaritate în memoria celor doi studenți uciși de Vlad Pascu

Zeci de tineri participă joi după-amiază la un marş de solidaritate în memoria celor doi studenţi ucişi de Vlad Pascu în accidentul de la 2 Mai, punctul de plecare fiind Vama Veche, potrivit Totodată, participanţii la protest îşi manifestă nemulţumirea faţă de modul în care se derulează procesul în acest caz. Evenimentul, intitulat ”Cu…

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