Afternoon Briefing: City settles lawsuit alleging rampant racism at water department

Afternoon Briefing: City settles lawsuit alleging rampant racism at water department

Good afternoon, Chicago. A month before what could have been an embarrassing trial, the city has settled a lawsuit alleging Black employees at the Chicago Department of Water Management were subjected to years of racist and sexist slurs, including some by politically connected top-level supervisors. The parties announced they had reached an agreement during a…

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RMAG news

Do You Need an SBOM?

There’s been a lot of talk about SBOMs in tech media. This article will help answer three crucial questions you may be asking: What is an SBOM? Why do I need an SBOM? How do I get an SBOM? What’s an SBOM? SBOM stands for “Software Bill of Materials.” It works hand in hand with…

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Noi dezvăluiri bombă despre caracatița măștilor din pandemie. Cătălin Hideg demască presiunile, firele duc la Ponta

Noi dezvăluiri bombă despre caracatița măștilor din pandemie. Cătălin Hideg demască presiunile, firele duc la Ponta

Într-o intervenție la Realitatea Plus, Cătălin Hideg a relatat ce eforturi a făcut pentru a găsi pe cineva dispus să vândă măști sanitare, într-un context extrem de tensionat, după izbucnirea pandemiei COVID, în martie 2020. “Am fost în Turcia la începutul lunii martie 2020, acolo am fost la compania cu care lucram de peste 7-8…

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