EU Commission to Romania: Employers May Respond to Minimum Wage Hike with Layoffs

EU Commission to Romania: Employers May Respond to Minimum Wage Hike with Layoffs

The establishment of the minimum wage is a delicate procedure aimed at striking a balance between sometimes conflicting objectives. Therefore, expert advice can assist decision-makers in this process, as indicated in a separate chapter of the in-depth analysis on Romania’s macroeconomic imbalances published by the European Commission on Monday. In its analysis, the Community Executive…

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Rmag Breaking News

Portici: calci e pugni alla compagna. Voleva costringerla a convertirsi all’Islam

Picchiata per costringerla a convertirsi all’Islam: è accaduto a Portici (località vesuviana in provincia di Napoli), all’interno di una comunità religiosa che si occupa anche di assistenzialismo. Un 29enne originario del Sudan, senza fissa dimora, ha aggredito la sua compagna 19enne etiope a calci e pugni. Non era la prima volta, la ragione invece era…

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Rmag Breaking News

Ce li se pregătește profesorilor cercetați penal

Cadrele didactice cercetate penal pentru fapte care constituie infracţiuni incompatibile cu funcţia didactică nu vor desfăşura activităţi cu elevii pe perioada cercetării penale – prevede un proiect de ordonanţă de urgenţă pus în consultare publică, luni, de Ministerul Educaţiei. „În cazul în care cadrul didactic este cercetat pentru fapte care constituie infracţiuni incompatibile cu funcţia…

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Bethesda cheekily confirms early builds of The Elder Scrolls 6 are already being played by devs, and they sound pretty fun

Bethesda cheekily confirms early builds of The Elder Scrolls 6 are already being played by devs, and they sound pretty fun

We’ve all been waiting to hear more about The Elder Scrolls 6 for years now, and, in a nice post celebrating the series’ 30th anniversary, Bethesda’s offered us a nice little update. People at the studio are apparently playing early versions of the game, and from the sounds of it, they’re having fun. While the…

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