Create an AI prototyping environment using Jupyter Lab IDE with Typescript, LangChain.js and Ollama for rapid AI prototyping

Create an AI prototyping environment using Jupyter Lab IDE with Typescript, LangChain.js and Ollama for rapid AI prototyping

Intro This is the 2nd part of my article series describing my journey in AI-assisted development. In the introductory part of this series, I summarized the recent changes that enable us to prototype and develop AI apps in Typescript easily. Haven’t read the first part? Here is what this project is all about: my goal…

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How To Create a New Branch In GitHub?

How To Create a New Branch In GitHub?

Managing different features and fixes without tangling the core code is crucial. This is where the understanding of branching in GitHub enters the chat. Think of a branch in GitHub as a parallel universe for your project, where you can experiment, develop, and refine new features or fixes, all without impacting the main codebase. It’s…

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