Rmag Breaking News

Basic SOLID: must to do

SOLID principles are an essential base of software engineering because they give recommendations for projects on how to change and add new functionality without breaking existing code and creating bugs, save maintainability and easy understandable software. SOLID principles are: Single responsibility principle Open/closed principle Liskov substitution principle Interface segregation principle Dependency inversion principle Using all…

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Rmag Breaking News

Reducing Bundle size of a Frontend application by optimizing Lodash imports

We recently analyzed the bundle size of our frontend application and noticed the Lodash package was taking up a significant amount of space. Lodash offers many useful utilities for common tasks like filtering, sorting, mapping and manipulating data. However, importing the entire library increases bundle size considerably. We decided to optimize our usage of Lodash to reduce this bundle size. Upon inspection, we found we were importing the whole library using imports like  const lodash = require(‘lodash’);  and  const _ = require(‘lodash’); While convenient, this brings in all of Lodash’s functions regardless of what we actually use. A better approach is to import only the specific functions needed. For example, using  const merge = require(‘lodash/merge’);  and  const cloneDeep = require(‘lodash/cloneDeep’); We import just those individual methods rather than the entire library. This avoids unnecessary code and reduces bundle size. We also noticed imports like  const { get } = require(‘lodash’);   that destructure the  get function. However, this still imports the whole Lodash library first before extracting the function. For even better optimization, we can import directly from the sub-module like  const get = require(‘lodash/get’); This imports only the needed  get  code without the full library. By analyzing usage and optimizing imports in this way, we were able to significantly reduce the size of lodash in our bundle. What seemed like minor changes made a meaningful impact on bundle size. With some inspection of imports, libraries like Lodash can be used efficiently without the overhead of unused code. This optimization is especially important as bundle size directly impacts performance and user experience. Reference : https://lodash.com/per-method-packages

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Samsung Is Actively Developing UFS 5.0 Storage, But It Will Not Debut Before 2027, More Advancements In UFS 4.0 Expected

Samsung Is Actively Developing UFS 5.0 Storage, But It Will Not Debut Before 2027, More Advancements In UFS 4.0 Expected

Samsung has been at the forefront of DRAM and UFS memory technology, and according to the latest roadmap, the company is developing the next phase of blazing-fast and efficient storage, which is the UFS 5.0 standard. Unfortunately, the details state that we should not expect this technology before 2027, as tons of improvements are waiting…

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Leo Varadkar, premierul homosexual al Irlandei, a demisionat intempestiv, în urma eșecului jenant de la referendumul privind familia și rolul femeii

Leo Varadkar, premierul homosexual al Irlandei, a demisionat intempestiv, în urma eșecului jenant de la referendumul privind familia și rolul femeii

Leo Varadkar a anunțat miercuri, 20 martie, că va demisiona din funcția de prim-ministru al Irlandei și lider al partidului de guvernământ Fine Gael, într-o mișcare surprinzătoare, invocând motive “personale și politice”, informează Reuters. Plecarea lui Varadkar din fruntea coaliției formate din trei partide nu va declanșa automat alegeri generale. El a precizat că a…

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Virginia’s Tony Bennett Says Program Will Evaluate ‘System’ After Brutal NCAA Tournament Loss

Virginia’s Tony Bennett Says Program Will Evaluate ‘System’ After Brutal NCAA Tournament Loss

Virginia swiftly exited the men’s NCAA tournament on Tuesday night after getting blown off the court by fellow No. 10 seed Colorado State of the Mountain West, 67–42, in the First Four matchup in Dayton. The Cavaliers scored just 14 first half points, and went the final 9:20 on the first half without scoring any points. Virginia shot…

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Piero della Francesca’s Augustinian altarpiece reassembled after 450 years

Piero della Francesca’s Augustinian altarpiece reassembled after 450 years

Eight known components of artwork were housed in five different museums in Europe and the US before being reunited in Milan Eight surviving panels of Piero della Francesca’s Augustinian altarpiece have been reassembled after 450 years, possibly solving one of its enduring mysteries. The celebrated polyptych was created by the early Italian Renaissance master specifically…

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Ex-Bürgermeister Cherecheș ausgeliefert

Ex-Bürgermeister Cherecheș ausgeliefert

Bukarest (ADZ) – Der wegen Bestechlichkeit und Vorteilsnahme rechtskräftig zu fünf Jahren Freiheitsentzug verurteilte frühere Bürgermeister von Neustadt/Baia Mare, Cătălin Cherecheș (Ex-PNL), ist am Dienstag von den deutschen Justizbehörden ausgeliefert worden. Der Flüchtige wurde auf dem Landweg über Österreich und Ungarn bis zum Grenzübergangspunkt Nadlak II gebracht und dort von rumänischen Polizeibeamten in Empfang genommen….

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Rmag Breaking News

⚛️ Folder Structures in React Projects

Organizing files and directories within a React project is crucial for maintainability, scalability, and ease of navigation. This article explores the general architecture and folder structures across different scales of React projects, providing clear demonstrations for each level. Level 1️⃣: Grouping by “File Types” This structure is characterized by its simplicity – grouping files by…

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Rmag Breaking News

Nicușor Dan: Cătălin Cîrstoiu poate să dea un PUZ pentru un rechin imobiliar

Primarul Capitalei, Nicușor Dan, a sustinut miercuri, la Interviurile Digi24.ro, referitor la candidatul PSD-PNL la Primăria Capitalei, medicul Cătălin Cîrstoiu, că „îi e greu să creadă că domnul doctor, dacă partidul vine și propune ceva, de exemplu să dea un PUZ pentru un rechin imobiliar, o să spună nu”. „Pentru moment nu vreau să vorbesc…

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Un petrolier sub pavilion sud-coreean s-a răsturnat în largul coastelor Japoniei. Cel puțin opt persoane au murit

Un petrolier sub pavilion sud-coreean s-a răsturnat în largul coastelor Japoniei. Cel puțin opt persoane au murit

Un petrolier sub pavilion sud-coreean, Keoyoung Sun, s-a răsturnat miercuri, 20 februarie, după ce a fost ancorat în largul coastei insulei Mutsure din Shimonoseki, prefectura Yamaguchi, Japonia. Salvatorii au scos din apă nouă membri ai echipajului, dintre care opt decedați, scrie The Japan Times. Opt persoane au murit după ce un petrolier sub pavilion sud-coreean…

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