RMAG news

Mastering JavaScript: Unveiling the Power of DOM Manipulation and the JavaScript Object Model

JavaScript, the ubiquitous language of the web, empowers developers to create dynamic and interactive user experiences. At the heart of this dynamism lies the ability to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) and harness the power of JavaScript objects. This comprehensive guide delves into these fundamental concepts, equipping you to craft interactive web pages and…

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Crypto Ads Crackdown: Thailand’s SEC Warns Exchanges Against Misleading Advertising

Crypto Ads Crackdown: Thailand’s SEC Warns Exchanges Against Misleading Advertising

Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) warned digital asset platforms over crypto promotion and misleading advertisement. According to local reports, these platforms must be careful with their ads and focus on benefiting investors. The warning follows the regulator’s efforts to stringently regulate the country amid growing concerns over crypto-related online scams. Exchange’s Ads Required To…

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RMAG news

Vanghelie îl avertizează pe Băsescu. ”Vedeți ce spuneți că am înregistrări cu dvs”.

Marian Vanghelie l-a acuzat pe fostul președinte Traian Băsescu că este artizanul statului paralel și l-a avertizat că are ”înregistrări”. La rândul său, fostul președinte se simte incomod că a ajuns să-i dea explicații fostului edil al sectorului 5. „Am fost șeful statului. Cum adică, implicarea mea în statul paralel? Eu am fost șeful statului”,…

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