The Russo Brothers offer updates about the active development of Extraction 3 and The Gray Man 2

The Russo Brothers offer updates about the active development of Extraction 3 and The Gray Man 2

The Russo Brothers are one of Hollywood’s busiest duos in an industry that moves at the speed of light. With an alarming amount of projects heaped onto their respective plates, two stand out among the crowd for action fans: Extraction 3 and The Gray Man 2.  Speaking with GamesRadar+ at the Sands: International Film Festival in St. Andrews, Scotland, the Russos…

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Pope to bring his call for ethical artificial intelligence to G7 summit in June in southern Italy

Pope to bring his call for ethical artificial intelligence to G7 summit in June in southern Italy

Pope Francis is taking his call for artificial intelligence to be developed and used according to ethical lines to the Group of 7 industrialized nations. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced Friday that Francis had accepted her invitation to attend the G7 Summit in Puglia in June. The Vatican confirmed the news. VATICAN SAYS GENDER…

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Text to pdf using jsPDF

Text to pdf using jsPDF

jsPDF is a popular JavaScript library for dynamically generating PDF files in client-side web applications. It allows developers to create PDF documents from scratch or modify existing ones. Creating a text-to-PDF converter in a React app using jsPDF involves building a simple web application where users can input text into a text area, and then…

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Ce făcea Zeljko Kopic, în timp ce ultrașii îi cereau demisia: „Normal că este responsabilitatea mea”

Ce făcea Zeljko Kopic, în timp ce ultrașii îi cereau demisia: „Normal că este responsabilitatea mea”

Zeljko Kopic, antrenorul „câinilor roșii”, și-a exprimat dezamăgirea la finalul meciului Dinamo – Voluntari, scor 1-1, partidă care menține gruparea alb-roșie în zona periculoasă din play-out-ul Superligii. Kopic și-a asumat responsabilitatea pentru situația în care se află echipa. După meci, ultrașii l-au așteptat în parcare și i-au cerut demisia. Antrenorul croat nu a stat de…

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