Actrița româncă, cea mai frumoasă femeie din București. A părăsit teatrul și filmul din dragoste pentru animalele fără adăpost

Actrița româncă, cea mai frumoasă femeie din București. A părăsit teatrul și filmul din dragoste pentru animalele fără adăpost

La finalul anilor ’60, Ioana Casetti era considerată cea mai frumoasă femeie din București, o prezență care a topit inimi pe scena artistică românească. Atractivă și talentată, ea a fost dorită de colegii săi celebri, precum Ion Dichiseanu, Cornel Patrichi și Dem Rădulescu, dar inima ei a aparținut unui alt bărbat – Valeriu Lazarov, un…

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‘Is this an image of a sculpture or an invitation to a sexual encounter?’: Esteban Kuriel’s best phone picture

‘Is this an image of a sculpture or an invitation to a sexual encounter?’: Esteban Kuriel’s best phone picture

The photographer on an ambiguous image inspired by Greek, Roman and Egyptian art “A former mentor, Elinor Carucci, recommends taking pictures daily as a sort of gym for the photographic mind,” Esteban Kuriel says. On this day, Kuriel was staying at St Ermin’s hotel in London and had visited the Sir John Soane’s Museum, which…

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Danger and opportunity for news industry as AI woos it for vital human-written copy

Danger and opportunity for news industry as AI woos it for vital human-written copy

With large language models needing quality data, some publishers are offering theirs at a price while others are blocking access OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, knows that high-quality data matters in the artificial intelligence business – and news publishers have vast amounts of it. “It would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models without…

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‘You’re going to call me a Holocaust denier now, are you?’: George Monbiot comes face to face with his local conspiracy theorist

‘You’re going to call me a Holocaust denier now, are you?’: George Monbiot comes face to face with his local conspiracy theorist

Covid vaccines, chemtrails, the Great Reset … Why do people invent false conspiracies when there are so many real ones to worry about? There’s only one way to find out: ask a believer I am a conspiracy theorist. I believe that groups of people conspire secretly against our interests to line their pockets, cover their…

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