Orchestra of the age of enlightenment/Schiff review – Mendelssohn deep dive is charged with energy and colour

Orchestra of the age of enlightenment/Schiff review – Mendelssohn deep dive is charged with energy and colour

Queen Elizabeth Hall, LondonTwo of Mendelssohn’s symphonies plus his second piano concerto were almost too much of a good thing, but not when played with such delicacy and spirit Three nights, three concertos and five symphonies: the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment is approaching its deep dive into Mendelssohn with the kind of intensity…

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RMAG news

OpenAI’s Sam Altman and other tech leaders join the federal AI safety board

Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO, Microsoft chief Satya Nadella, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai are joining the government’s Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board, according to The Wall Street Journal. They’re also joined by Nvidia’s Jensen Huang, Northrop Grumman’s Kathy Warden and Delta’s Ed Bastian, along with other leaders in the tech and AI industry. The AI…

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RMAG news

Autonomia, la commissione riprende esame,scontro politico permane

Il Quotidiano del Sud Autonomia, la commissione riprende esame,scontro politico permane Roma, 26 apr. (askanews) – Concluso l’ufficio di presidente della commissione Affari costituzionali della Camera, è iniziata la seduta dell’organismo dedicata al disegno di legge sull’attuazione dell’autonomia regionale differenziata. Dopo che il presidente della commissione, Nazario Pagano di Forza Italia, ha comunicato l’intenzione di…

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RMAG news

Nach Bayern-Gerücht um Tah: Leverkusen-Sportchef bezieht Stellung

Leverkusens Sportchef Simon Rolfes plant langfristig mit Nationalspieler Jonathan Tah. „Wir wollen Jona halten und mit ihm über 2025 hinaus verlängern“, sagte Rolfes der „Bild“. Der 42-Jährige reagierte damit auf Wechsel-Spekulationen. Mehrere Medien hatten zuvor von ersten Gesprächen zwischen Vertretern des FC Bayern München und Tahs Management berichtet. Der 28 Jahre alte Innenverteidiger steht in…

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