RMAG news

Soarele nostru, mai „nervos” ca niciodată. Ce se întâmplă, de fapt, explicația oamenilor de știință

Pe data de 23 aprilie, Observatorul Solar al NASA (SDO) a capturat un fenomen rar: patru regiuni enorme ale Soarelui au explodat simultan. Erupțiile solare sunt o apariție comună, mai ales că ne aflăm în apropierea vârfului ciclului de activitate solară, cunoscut sub numele de maxim solar. Erupțiile solare sunt normale, spun oamenii de știință…

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#MeToo founder says campaign will continue after Weinstein verdict overturned

#MeToo founder says campaign will continue after Weinstein verdict overturned

Tarana Burke called Harvey Weinstein’s accusers ‘heroes’ and said movement would continue to bring progress to society The founder of the #MeToo movement, Tarana Burke, has called the women who spoke out against Harvey Weinstein “heroes” and said such campaigns for justice and equality will continue to bring about progress in society. Burke, who nearly…

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Listen to Thom Yorke’s Score for Confidenza, His First Since Suspiria

Listen to Thom Yorke’s Score for Confidenza, His First Since Suspiria

It’s only fitting that on the day the score drops for Challengers, composed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Thom Yorke’s first score since Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria would arrive. The Radiohead and The Smile frontman’s latest work is the 12-track score for Daniele Luchetti’s Confidenza aka Trust, the Italian director adaptation of Domenico Starnone’s novel….

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The final episode of 80s Horror Memories goes crazy with Wes Craven’s Shocker

The final episode of 80s Horror Memories goes crazy with Wes Craven’s Shocker

JoBlo.com recently launched a new weekly documentary series called 80s Horror Memories, where each year of the 1980s has five episodes dedicated to it. Looking back at 1980, we discussed Maniac, Dressed to Kill, Alligator, Friday the 13th, The Shining, Prom Night, and The Fog. The second five episodes were a journey through 1981, covering The Funhouse, The Burning, Friday the 13th Part 2, My Bloody…

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RMAG news

Avem deficit de 35,88 miliarde lei

Deficitul bugetar a urcat la 2,06% din Produsul Intern Brut după primele trei luni din acest an, soldul negativ cifrându-se la 35,88 miliarde de lei, faţă de 28,99 miliarde de lei sau 1,67% din PIB după primele două luni, conform  cifrelor Ministerului Finanţelor. „Execuţia bugetului general consolidat în primele trei luni ale anului 2024 s-a…

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