The Guardian view on indeterminate sentences: the legacy of a bad law lingers on

The Guardian view on indeterminate sentences: the legacy of a bad law lingers on

Imprisonment for public protection sentences were flawed and unjust. Labour should commit to finish them off The harmful effects of imprisonment for public protection sentences (IPPs) are well documented. For Tommy Nicol and Francis Williams, whose sisters have both spoken to the Guardian about the impact of punishments with no end-date, the pressure was unbearable….

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RMAG news

No somos nadie sin humor

Tomarse en serio el humor es un típico error de humoristas pero tomárselo a broma es un típico error de gente seria: en el número de TintaLibre de mayo han reunido a un puñado de firmas que algo saben de eso y no se cortan nada al señalar las carencias y las alegrías que da,…

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