Prognoza meteo 2 mai. Ploi și descărcări electrice în mare parte din țară. Câte grade ne arată astăzi termometrul, potrivit ANM

Prognoza meteo 2 mai. Ploi și descărcări electrice în mare parte din țară. Câte grade ne arată astăzi termometrul, potrivit ANM

Vântul va avea uşoare intensificãri în sudul Banatului şi pe crestele montane. Temperaturile maxime se vor încadra între 16 şi 26 de grade. In Bucuresti, cerul va fi temporar noros, iar probabilitatea pentru averse slabe va fi în creştere dupã-amiaza şi spre searã. Vântul va sufla slab şi moderat. Temperatura maxima, uşor mai coborâta decât…

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‘I want to push the limits’: ‘quad god’ Ilia Malinin on his mission to save figure skating – and do a quintuple

‘I want to push the limits’: ‘quad god’ Ilia Malinin on his mission to save figure skating – and do a quintuple

At 19, Malinin is the only person in history to land a quadruple axel – a four-and-a-half-revolution jump – in competition, and he thinks he can go further. Will his incredible athleticism revive a tarnished sport? “I always try to be a gamechanger or innovator,” says Ilia Malinin, the American prodigy who has cut a…

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The fight for full press freedom in Ukraine: ‘We can write what we want, but bad actors try to intimidate us’

The fight for full press freedom in Ukraine: ‘We can write what we want, but bad actors try to intimidate us’

Kyiv Independent’s Olga Rudenko is set on telling the truth in wartime, despite clumsy instances of state harassment For Olga Rudenko, the editor of the Kyiv Independent, journalism is not just a profession but a moral imperative. “Our soldiers in the frontline are fighting for Ukraine to define its own future,” she says. “They are…

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