‘Waiting for Trump’: Viktor Orbán hopes US election will change his political fortunes

‘Waiting for Trump’: Viktor Orbán hopes US election will change his political fortunes

Exclusive: Hungary’s PM and EU’s most isolated leader says he is pursuing ‘friendship with everybody’ – particularly the former US president Europe’s most isolated leader was beaming. Standing in a hallway in Brussels, Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister, spoke excitedly about the politician he hopes will change his political fortunes – Donald Trump. Continue…

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The best sex toy for couples

The best sex toy for couples

There’s obviously something special between you and your boo — and we don’t just mean the vibrator. But don’t underestimate how much fun sex toys can bring to the bedroom. Even if you’re already well equipped with toys, there’s no harm upgrading. It’s always a good time to add something new and spicy into the…

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Jean-Noël Barrot : “La France n’a jamais été aussi influente en Europe”

Jean-Noël Barrot : “La France n’a jamais été aussi influente en Europe”

Sept ans après son discours de La Sorbonne, Emmanuel Macron est de nouveau attendu ce jeudi 23 avril dans l’amphithéâtre de l’université parisienne. A un mois et demi des élections européennes, le président devrait y énoncer les orientations françaises sur l’avenir de l’Union européenne. En amont de cette prise de parole attendue, L’Express s’est entretenu…

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RMAG news

Legea care îi obligă pe producători să-ți repare produsul stricat. Ce este dreptul al deteriorare, cine beneficiază de el

Parlamentul European a adoptat în cursul acestei săptămâni directiva privind dreptul la reparare pentru consumatori, cu un vot covârșitor de 584 de voturi „pentru”, trei „împotrivă” și 14 abțineri. Aceste norme clarifică obligațiile producătorilor de a repara bunurile și încurajează consumatorii să prelungească ciclul de viață al produselor prin reparare. Prin intermediul acestei directive, producătorii…

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