Nintendo Switch 2 Not Being as Powerful as the Steam Deck Won’t Matter, as the System’s Power Will Be Used Differently to Possibly Achieve Better Result

Nintendo Switch 2 Not Being as Powerful as the Steam Deck Won’t Matter, as the System’s Power Will Be Used Differently to Possibly Achieve Better Result

The Nintendo Switch 2 is unlikely to be more powerful than the Steam Deck, let alone the weakest current-generation console, the Xbox Series S, but it won’t matter much for a few reasons. A recent video discussion shared by Digital Foundry highlights how not being as powerful as other current-generation systems, and Valve’s handheld system…

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O echipă de mare tradiție, din nou în Liga 1? » 3 nume mari în proiect: „Atunci va fi gata și noul stadion”

O echipă de mare tradiție, din nou în Liga 1? » 3 nume mari în proiect: „Atunci va fi gata și noul stadion”

Planuri mari la Timișoara! Iosif Rotariu a dezvăluit, la GSP Live, intenția clubului de a promova în Liga 2, la finalul acestui sezon # Alături de Costel Pantilimon, președinte, și Paul Codrea, antrenor, Rotariu vrea să readucă echipa în cel mult 4 ani pe prima scenă a fotbalului românesc # Fostul mare fotbalist speră ca…

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Philly sheriff slammed for losing guns, AI-generated news stories, thousands spent on mascot, DJs: Report

Philly sheriff slammed for losing guns, AI-generated news stories, thousands spent on mascot, DJs: Report

Much like Dolton, Illinois self-declared “Super Mayor” Tiffany Henyard, Philadelphia Sheriff Rochelle Bilal has been slammed with allegations of wild offenses ranging from spending department money on promotional items like trading cards with her likeness to having bogus news stories about her being generated by AI. While Bilal testified before the City Council last year…

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